Frequently Asked Questions

I already work with a personal trainer, why can’t they tell me what to eat?

To answer this we first must mention scope of practice within the fitness industry. For most personal training certifications, the scope of practice ends with giving very broad, non-specific recommendations on including more whole foods, eat less processed foods etc.

The actual training on nutrition in a personal training certification is around 1 chapter, whereas for the PURE Nutrition team all of our members have been educated to undergraduate degree level (or equivalent) with most adding additional 2 years of study in specialist areas, such as dietetics or sports nutrition.

This level and breadth of knowledge and nuance is something not touched upon in personal training courses. We always say, you wouldn’t hire a nutritionist to write your training programs, so why why rely on your trainer to write your nutrition plans?

I already know what to eat, why do I need a nutrition specialist to help me?

There is a difference between knowing what to do and planning and implementing that knowledge. Much of our job is to help you overcome the barriers to eating well and achieving your goals. We consider so much more than just what you eat.

We look at your environment and how that impacts your food choices. We talk to you about your friendships and relationships to find out if your social networks are preventing you from eating well.

Working with a nutritionist or dietitian helps you to take the knowledge you have and apply it in a way that fits your lifestyle and is, ultimately, sustainable.

Are you just going to give me a meal plan and never follow up with me?

No. This is something we see time and again with certain weight loss clinics and other less reputable members of the fitness community. Meal plans (if you are able to implement them) are just one part of a much larger support program that involves weekly check-ins and follow up to help you to apply the strategies and tactics that you are learning.

This can start with meal plans, but ultimately we want you to feel confident going into any meal/snack in the knowledge that your choices are helping and not hindering your progress (and also providing support if some of your choices have hindered your progress).